No one likes to flaunt yellowed and discolored teeth, right? We want our smiles to be bright and attractive. Over time, our teeth turn a dull shade of yellow or have traces of stains (excess nicotine, alcohol, aerated drinks, and caffeine). We use whitening toothpaste, try DIY home kits, and even go for professional teeth whitening procedures.
Why not try some natural remedies to whiten teeth? Natural teeth whitening processes are slow to deliver results. You need to follow them religiously for extended periods and even make them a part of your routine.
A good habit to maintain is to brush your teeth twice a day. It gets rid of the food stains and bits and pieces of food particles stuck between the teeth. A thorough brushing should be followed by flossing to clean the minute gaps between the teeth. Use the right toothbrush based on your teeth sensitivity. Follow the correct brushing method to clean the plaque from the teeth.
● Whitening toothpaste contains mild abrasives and helps remove tough stains but is not suitable for everyone.
● After consuming acidic products, do not brush your teeth immediately, as it leads to erosion and will cause further damage.
● Don’t consume anything (except water or pills) after brushing your teeth at night to reduce the risk of stains.
Though we cannot completely prevent our teeth from turning yellow with age, we can slow down the process of yellowing by taking some necessary precautions. Minimizing stains and plaque will keep your teeth white for a longer duration. It will also help increase the time between professional whitening treatments and keep your teeth healthy.
● Drink beverages that stain the teeth with a straw or limit their consumption.
● Brush your teeth thirty minutes after consuming food/ drink (berries, red sauces, red wine, etc.) that stain the teeth.
● Reduce your sugar intake as sugary products cause mouth bacteria that form plaque and tartar.
● Avoid smoking and chewing tobacco to prevent dark stains on the teeth. Tobacco is not good for your general health too.
Baking soda is a popular item used in whitening toothpaste due to its whitening and mildly abrasive properties. Moreover, baking soda helps remove bacteria in the mouth by creating an alkaline environment. Studies show that using baking soda for brushing will whiten the teeth over a period. That said, dentists in Palo Alto warn about the side effects of using too much baking soda for whitening.
● Don’t use baking soda for brushing every day. It is not meant to replace your toothpaste.
● Don’t brush using baking soda for longer than two minutes. Excess alkaline will harm the teeth' enamel.
● Mix baking soda with water and follow the ratio of 1 tsp baking soda to 2 tsp water.
Oil pulling is an ancient Indian practice to remove bacteria from the mouth and toxins from the body. It is a safe procedure that should be followed every day for the best results. Oil pulling doesn’t whiten teeth in a day. However, it removes the bacteria that form plaque and turns the teeth yellow. For oil pulling, you can use different oils like sunflower oil, olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, etc.
● Swirl the oil in your mouth for 15-20 minutes.
● Coconut oil contains lauric acid and has several health benefits.
● Spit out the oil after oil pulling. Don’t swallow it.
Dentists commonly use hydrogen peroxide in Palo Alto and other places during teeth whitening procedures. This natural bleaching agent can remove tough stains from the teeth and kill bacteria. Even the home whitening kits contain peroxide in different concentrations. You can use 1% peroxide with 1 tsp of baking soda to create toothpaste for teeth whitening at home. That said, you need to be aware of the following:
● High concentration peroxide will lead to sum and teeth sensitivity.
● Use 1.5% or 3% solution as a mouthwash before brushing the teeth.
● Don’t use hydrogen peroxide directly (dilute with water) or use it every day.
Raw and crunchy fruits and vegetables remove the plaque from teeth and reduce stains. Foods that contain calcium strengthen the bones and the teeth. The combo of strawberry and baking soda is said to help whiten teeth over time. While there is no scientific evidence, studies found that strawberries can help to an extent.
● Strawberry and pineapple are good for teeth whitening.
● Apples, celery, and carrots kill bacteria.
● Dairy products contain lactic acid that prevents tooth decay.
Peels of banana and orange are said to whiten teeth when you rub them against your teeth for around two minutes. Rinse your mouth afterwards and brush your teeth. Try this a few times a week. Despite no scientific evidence, this natural remedy is known to whiten teeth gradually. While it has no side effects, remember that:
● People with sensitivity should not try this.
● Don’t rub the peels for more than 2 minutes.
● Brush the teeth immediately to prevent discomfort.
Whitening teeth naturally involves following a proper routine for oral hygiene. It has multiple benefits, such as making the teeth stronger, improving your smile, and preventing bad breath.